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Top Facebook Marketing Strategy 2019 – How to Find Most Shared Facebook Posts

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Facebook's Insights dashboard allows you to find the most effective time for your Facebook page to be posted. This is especially true for videos, which accounted for nearly one-third of all postings on the platform last year. In fact, half a billion people logged on to Facebook last year to watch video content. Video content has a high level of engagement, with users spending over 3,000 hours on Facebook each day to watch videos.

You can use the same tool for a deeper look at individual posts in order to identify what's working well and what's not. You may be surprised to find that the most visited Facebook page is one of your local civic organizations. This page's most-popular post is a good example. In the same way, you can find out which posts got the most attention and which types generated the most buzz.

The bottom line is you can identify which posts are most successful, which will help you to determine which ones to reproduce. Finally, you can get your fingers on the latest updates from your favorite pages, which may or may not be the most relevant information. You should hopefully gain a better understanding of the trends and the best ways to improve your social media marketing. The list of suggested post times can help you determine the best times to post. You can also learn which posts are best for your own page by logging in to your Insights dashboard. You should also be keeping an eye on the most engaged people, if not already.

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What platform is best for content marketing?

There are many different platforms out there today. Each platform has its pros, and each one has its cons. Here are some popular options:

  • WordPress - Simple to setup and manage. An amazing community of users.
  • Wix – It's easier than WordPress to setup and maintain. You don't need any technical knowledge.
  • Squarespace – Best choice for those with a website.
  • Blogger - Free blog service
  • Medium – A place that writers can share their work.
  • Instagram – An image-based platform.
  • LinkedIn - An online networking tool.
  • Facebook - The social network.
  • YouTube - A video sharing platform.
  • Pinterest - Image-based platform.
  • Google Analytics - Track visitor behaviour.
  • Hubspot – Email marketing software.
  • MailChimp – Email marketing software.

How effective is content-marketing?

Yes! Hubspot claims that content marketing is one of the three most important digital marketing channels for lead generation.

Should I hire someone to write my Content Marketing content?

No! There is no need to hire professional writers to write content for you business. You can find tons of free resources that will help you get started.

What is Content Strategist, and what does it do?

A content strategist helps brands tell stories by crafting engaging messages that connect emotionally to their audiences. They are storytellers, who use brand stories to inspire and motivate people to make decisions and take action.

Content strategists are skilled at creating strategies that will engage customers and prospects. For example, they use storytelling and data analytics to create compelling experiences that will inspire customers to visit stores, buy goods, and share their enthusiasm online.

They also know how social media platforms can be integrated into campaigns. And they use technology tools such as video and virtual reality to deliver powerful customer experiences.

A content strategist is responsible for translating these ideas into concrete plans that marketers can implement. This includes content creation for various channels, such as television and print, creating creative briefs and managing budgets.

How do you create compelling content?

Writing about what interests you is the best way to create quality content. Writing is a passion. This is about finding your passion and then sharing it with others. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to create quality content when you write for yourself.


  • Measure your goals with a progress indicator of 0-100%. Make your goals collaborative and transparent (semrush.com)
  • According to research compiled by Coschedule: Companies that publish 16+ blog posts a month get as much as 3.5x as much traffic as those that publish 0-4 posts a month. (criteo.com)
  • Progress indicators (0–100%) allow each team member to see how attainable each goal is and understand what remains to be accomplished. (semrush.com)
  • According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers surveyed use content marketing in some form or other. (criteo.com)
  • Seventy-two percent business to business (B2B) (mailchimp.com)
  • Companies that use content marketing see approximately 30% higher growth rates than businesses not using it. (mailchimp.com)
  • This marketing strategy landed Ford a 15.4% conversion rate. (neilpatel.com)
  • According to our research, brand awareness, attracting traffic, and generating leads remain the key content marketing goals in 2022. (semrush.com)

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How To

The Best Way to Send a Press Release

Now that we've covered how to write a press release let's discuss the best ways to distribute it. There are many options. You have the option of traditional methods, such as postal mail, or more modern distributions like email.

If you choose to use email, be sure to follow some basic guidelines:

  • Be sure to make your subject line stand out. Your headline may not be enough to catch attention.
  • Be concise. Your press release shouldn't be lengthy. Keep your press release brief and to the point.
  • Be clear in your email. It is unlikely that someone who reads your email will understand technical jargon.
  • Include relevant images. Images can make people more interested in what your saying.

Keep these tips in your mind as you write your press release

  • Avoid using unnecessary words such as "we", "our," or "I"
  • Before writing your press release, think about your audience. What is their passion? How can you build a relationship with them?
  • Always include URLs in emails
  • Before asking permission, be sure to ask. Before sending your press release out, ask the recipient permission to continue receiving news releases.
  • Don't spam. Send out only one copy of your Press Release.

Now is the time to begin distributing your press releases. Next is to find the right channels that will get your message across. These are the top five options:

Traditional Methods

You likely already have a list with publications to which you wish to submit your press release. These publications could include magazines, trade journals and industry newsletters.

Many publications require a submission fee or even offer special incentives to writers who pitch stories. For example, some publications give away free subscriptions for every story published. Others give away a percentage of each article's revenue.

While submitting your press release through traditional means is still an option, most experts recommend going online.

Online channels

One of the easiest ways to reach potential readers is through online channels. Websites like Google News, Yahoo!, Bing News and AOL also provide opportunities for press releases to appear on their sites.

Google News was launched in 1996. They provide news feeds from the major media outlets. It's easy for you to find your company's name in hundreds of other companies.

Yahoo! News offers similar services but is focused on providing news about specific topics. You'll find links to articles about your business if you search for the name of your company.

BING NEWS lets users search for keywords across its network of websites. This is useful when searching for a particular topic.

AOL News offers similar services as Yahoo! Google News and Yahoo! AOL isn't as well known as the other giants but it does provide a quality service at an affordable price.

Some publications permit you to create your own press releases. Most magazines charge a monthly membership fee. However, many free websites host press releases.

These include PRWeb. Press Release Monitor. PR Newswire. Business Wire.

PR Web, founded in 1997, claims it is the largest site dedicated exclusively to press releases. It has more than 1,000,000 registered members. It allows users to access thousands of press releases from businesses around the world.

PR Web also offers an RSS feed which updates your site when someone posts a news release.

PR Newswire can also be a great place to find press releases. They claim to have the biggest database of press releases in existence.

They also offer an RSS feed to keep up to date on what's happening in the press release space.

If you're looking to reach wider audiences than just online journalists, then print media might be the right choice. Many small businesses are unaware of the power that print media can have on their business.

Print advertising could be used to advertise your latest product lines, for example, if you sell books, clothes, or electronics. You can also advertise in magazines or newspapers.

For something completely different, you can check out the "free" section of your local newspaper. There are often classifieds advertising jobs available.

You might also contact your local television or radio station. They may accept press releases in their regular programming.

Press releases are still available

Mobile apps seem to be the topic of conversation these days. Did you also know that press release are still relevant? They are now more important than ever.

People today expect immediate results. Your message must be delivered to the right people if you want your message to be heard. This requires that you use every channel to communicate your message.

This doesn't mean you have to spend money on Facebook ads. Instead, look for creative ways to connect with your customers.

Bottom line: Word of mouth is the best way for your business to grow. Customers will spread the word about your business to their family and friends. Why not let them know about your business first?



Top Facebook Marketing Strategy 2019 – How to Find Most Shared Facebook Posts